Hey You.

I’M SHARIFA and I’m glad you’re here!

I'm a nutrition coach + food freedom activist + wife+ girl mom + personal trainer +educator. I love the beach, traveling and everything Disney.


I'm not your average Nutrition Coach.

I prefer to call myself a food freedom activist. I have entered the world of nutrition in an unconventional way. I have always thought of myself as a pretty active healthy person for most of my life. I focused on eating 'clean' whenever I could and started running and competing in road races in 2011. While training for marathons, I always had trouble effectively fueling for my long runs. In addition, my athletic performance often plateaued because I restricted certain foods because I thought they were 'bad.' Over time, I became interested in taking a more holistic approach to my nutrition and using bio feedback markers (energy, sleep, athletic performance, hunger, mood) to make adjustments. I have significantly changed my mindset on overall health and now I simultaneously fuel my body with foods I enjoy by using a science-based approach free from restrictions!

Now I have taken these experiences along with my professional training to create an approach that helps women support their goals and long term health.

My Certifications:

Precision Nutrition, Certified Nutrition ProCoach (PN1)

National Academy of Sports Medicine, Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT)


Education and Sustainability are at the center of Sharifa Knowles Wellness

So, diets do not work. They do not lead to sustainable weight loss and can actually do more harm than good. Sustainable weight loss occurs when you listen to your body and eat what makes YOU feel good. I use a behavior change approach to rewire your habits from the most fundamental level. I practice evidenced-based nutrition science individualized to you. I'll help you achieve true health by focusing on your body's internal needs in harmony with your external goals. Whatever your goals are, we will travel on a journey to achieve sustainable results.

Ditch the diet, and get FREE!


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